Consumer and small business subscribers want security solutions. What remains to be answered, however, is what type of solutions will satisfy the customers’ demands while offering sufficient benefit to the CSP?
For years, CSPs have offered their consumer and small business customers client-based endpoint security solutions. The benefits of these solutions are limited to the small number of subscribers who successfully deploy them – usually less then 5% of the subscriber base. The low adoption rates for such solutions do not translate into significant benefit for the CSPs. Network-native security services, on the other hand, are easy to deploy, easy to provision and easy to use, leading to high service adoption rates.
In this episode of Telco CyberTalk, Vikram Singh, Allot’s Cybersecurity Marketing Director, discusses an alternative to client-based endpoint security for consumer and small business customers – Network-native Security. With Network-native solutions deployed in the CSP’s network, the CSP can offer high-quality security services as part of the core offering along with connectivity. As a Network-native solution, security services can be zero-touch – no installation and no provisioning hassle for the customer.
This has led to CSPs seeing adoption rates of up to 30% (and more in some cases) when they deploy Network-native security services. Along with other advantages for the customer and the CSP, Network-native security services are a mutually beneficial offering that take into account the reality of today’s security environment plus the needs of the CSP. Listen in and find out why Network-native security services are the new gold standard for CSPs.
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