What are the new cybersecurity trends every CSP should know?
For just about all of us, the digital world has become a large part of our lives. We use it for work, fun, and communication. But the more we rely on it, the greater our risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. Already, more than 50% of all internet users around the world have been victimized by some kind of cybercrime in the last few years.
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a critical concern for all organizations, especially mobile network operators (MNOs) and other communications service providers (CSPs). With the increasing reliance on technology and connected devices, MNOs and CSPs are at a higher risk of cyberattacks either as direct targets or as the conduits of malicious content. They must be proactive in protecting their networks and customers.
Given the threats we all face, now is a good time to review the latest cybersecurity trends that every MNO and CSP should take to heart as part of their efforts to keep up to date. At Allot, we regularly compile security threat data from our protected CSP customers’ networks (with their permission), and we share the anonymous, worldwide trend data in our semi-annual Cyber Threat Reports.
The latest Cyber Threat Report (CTR) uncovered some very interesting cybersecurity trends.
Adware is much more dangerous than it seems
Adware is a pervasive cyber vector and is much more dangerous than it seems. It is a form of malware that can be difficult to spot and even harder to get rid of. It hides on the device, usually without the user’s knowledge, and serves intrusive ads to the user. Some adware even monitors the behavior of a user online so it can target them with specific ads, which can be even more unsettling.
But did you know that adware is not just about annoying, “personalized” ads? It can slow down the device, hijack the browser, and even install viruses and/or spyware, putting the user at risk of identity theft or other malicious activities. Allot blocked more than 9.7 billion adware events last year for our CSP customers’ end-users around the world.
5G network security
Another important trend in cybersecurity is related to 5G network security. What is the relationship between the 5G value proposition (and architecture) and the growing need for CSPs to protect their customers? Hint: We all expect the water company to provide clean, safe water. 5G networks offer faster speeds and greater capabilities, but they also bring new security challenges. For example, 5G networks have a distributed architecture with more potential points of attack, making it easier for attackers to gain access to the network.
With the increasing number of connected devices, it’s imperative that service providers, like the water company, guard against security threats and other “pollutants” and ensure that their networks are secure against cyberattacks and deliver “clean and pure” content to their subscribers.
Recent research uncovered that 92% of CSPs are concerned about 5G network security. As it was with 4G, security is an issue of concern for 5G. Compared to 4G, 47% of network operators are as concerned and 45% are even more concerned about 5G security, mainly because of 5G’s distributed architecture, massive IoT connectivity, and increased capacity.
MNOs must ensure that their 5G networks are secure against cyberattacks and implement network-wide security measures to mitigate cybersecurity threats.
Many different threat vectors
The number of cyberthreats keeps increasing. Compared to 2021, the threats stopped by Allot Secure increased by more than 50%.
Many threat vectors fluctuated throughout the year. For example, adware peaked in Q2, then dropped, and then surged again at the end of the year.
Malicious activities involving command and control servers also had dramatic “ups and downs” throughout 2022.
We discovered some other interesting trends related to hijackers, spyware, hacker sites, malicious downloads, and more, which we will be presenting, in detail, during the Cyber Threat Report review webinar.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks
Additionally, one of the biggest trends in cybersecurity today is the continued rise of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. But, actually, DDoS attacks have plagued commercial and enterprise networks since the seventies.
DDoS attacks involve overwhelming a network with traffic from multiple sources, making it unavailable to users. In the past, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) assigned low risk to their chances of being attacked and avoided taking protective measures, assuming they could dodge the DDoS bullet.
However, the prevalence of IoT devices have made it easier to launch flooding attacks and to increase the scope of damage. These attacks can cause significant downtime and financial losses for MNOs, as well as damage to their reputation.
“Bad actors” are using multitudes of connected devices to overwhelm target network nodes or communication links with fake traffic. In addition, CSPs often suffer “collateral damage” from attacks that flood their networks on the way to the actual, designated target.
In terms of damage to network infrastructure, service continuity and business reputation, DDoS attacks account for some of the most successful cyberattacks in history.
To protect against DDoS attacks, MNOs should implement network-wide security measures. They should also have a plan in place for mitigating DDoS attacks and minimizing their impact.
Cybersecurity can improve business results
These are just some of the latest trends in cybersecurity of which every MNO should be aware. With the increasing number of cyberattacks and the rise of new technologies, it’s more important than ever for MNOs and CSPs to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting their networks and customers. By staying informed and implementing effective security measures, MNOs and CSPs can ensure the safety and reliability of their networks, and lower churn by keeping their subscribers satisfied to the highest extent possible.
To get a better understanding of the importance of network-based cybersecurity protection offerings from MNOs and CSPs, Allot partnered with Coleman Parkes research on an independent study. 7700 smartphone users from 7 countries were surveyed and the results were enlightening. It turns out that consumers and SMBs are increasingly aware of cyber threats, view their CSPs as responsible for cybersecurity, and are willing to pay extra monthly fees for secure connectivity. So, security is not just a good idea – it can also be good business for CSPs.
The results of the exclusive independent research were recently presented by Coleman Parkes and me in the “How Can Security Improve Telco Business Results?” webinar, which is currently available online.
Staying up to date on cybersecurity is important
Are things getting better or worse? By how much did attacks change from 2021 to 2022? Is the number of cyberattacks going up or down? What types of cyberattacks are trending?
To answer these questions and to learn even more, be sure to check out the March 14th and 15th webinars from TAG Cyber and Allot about the latest cyber threat report with new information about Bitcoin trojans, command & control infections, adware-delivered browser hijackers, ransomware, and other cyber threats encountered by our tier-1 communication service provider customers.
In these Cyber Threat Report webinars, we’ll dive deep into the data of global CSPs to understand how the threat landscape is changing. We will further explore how this affects Communication Service Providers and what can be done to better protect subscribers, while driving new revenue streams. Be sure to check it out! Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the new Cyber Threat Report (CTR) with all the data.
a. Adware is evolving into a more dangerous cyber threat, posing risks such as device slowdowns, browser hijacking, and installation of viruses/spyware.
b. Security concerns associated with 5G networks, including their distributed architecture with more potential points of attack, leading to an increased risk of cyberattacks.
c. The increasing number of cyberthreats overall, with a significant rise in the number of attacks compared to previous years, affecting network security for MNOs and CSPs.
d. The continued rise of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, particularly concerning due to the prevalence of IoT devices, which make it easier to launch such attacks and increase the scope of damage.
a. Adware, traditionally known for serving intrusive ads, now poses greater risks, including device slowdowns, browser hijacking, and the installation of viruses/spyware.
b. It can monitor user behavior online, leading to targeted ads and potential privacy breaches.
c. Allot blocked over 9.7 billion adware events last year for CSP customers globally, indicating the scale of the threat.
a. The distributed architecture of 5G networks increases the potential points of attack, making it easier for cyber attackers to gain access.
b. With massive IoT connectivity, there is a heightened risk of cyber threats, including those targeting network infrastructure and subscribers' devices.
c. 92% of CSPs are concerned about 5G network security, with issues such as the distributed architecture, massive IoT connectivity, and increased capacity contributing to these concerns.
a. DDoS attacks have been a longstanding threat, but the prevalence of IoT devices has made them more damaging.
b. IoT devices make it easier to launch flooding attacks and increase the scope of damage, posing significant challenges for MNOs and CSPs in terms of protecting network infrastructure and minimizing the impact of such attacks.