Sun Yat-sen University, China




Traffic Management





Sun Yat-sen University Optimizes Network Performance with Allot Smart Solutions

About Sun Yat-sen University

Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) is a preeminent research, academic and cultural center and the premier location for talent development in South China. With five campuses in the three cities of Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Shenzhen, and ten affiliated hospitals, the University is a world-class university and global center of learning. As of September 30, 2019, the SYSU reported over 32,000 undergraduate students, over 27,000 postgraduate students, and almost 17,000 faculty and staff members.




Built on a solid multidisciplinary foundation of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences, and engineering, Sun Yat-sen University is propelled forward by the continuous pursuit of academic innovation. The University is equipped with a globally aware outlook, and has dedicated itself to being an institution that is “comprehensive, innovative, and open.”


With over 76,000 students, faculty, and staff, the stability of the university’s high-throughput network is a priority. Network administrators sought the best solution to provide 360-degree traffic visibility across the network in order to optimize network performance and QoE (Quality of Experience) for all university functions on the network.




Sun Yat-sen University implemented the Allot Smart and the Service Gateway 9500 to improve traffic visibility and the stability of university’s high-throughput network.


The Service Gateway 9500 is a high-performance, deep packet inspection (DPI) based service delivery platform with rich functionality packaged in an efficient and small-footprint appliance capable of providing industry-leading throughput while enabling network visibility, control, and security services. It sits at the core of the Allot Smart solution, which leverages Machine Learning AI to deliver actionable network intelligence, enabling network optimization and exceptional Quality of Experience (QoE) in high-throughput networks.


Reasons Allot Smart and the Service Gateway 9500 were selected by the university:

  • Powerful and cost-efficient multiservice delivery platform
  • High-throughput: up to 140 Gbps per appliance; up to 1 Tbps in a cluster
  • High-density 1/10/40/100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity
  • Real-time Layer-7 application visibility
  • Supporting network-based Security VAS
  • Deployment and management across any access
  • Easy installation and pay-as-you-grow scalability


Using Allot Smart and the Service Gateway 9500, network administrators are able to optimize network performance and gain better network visibility, control and stability.




Allot delivered multiple features within the solution, which improved connectivity and enabled traffic management capabilities.


Sun Yat-sen University gained improved network traffic visibility and is able to easily set policies to manage traffic up to 100Gbps with profiles for the many popular dataintensive apps that would otherwise threaten network stability.


By deploying Allot Smart and the Service Gateway 9500, Sun Yatsen University is able to easily manage the network and ensure that it is running efficiently. Network administrators are able to provide reliable access and an optimal quality of service (QoS) to each of the tens-of-thousands of users across all locations.

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